Machine Delta
GoonWaffe Goonswarm Federation
Posted - 2012.03.28 21:38:00 -
[1] - Quote
Darius III wrote:This is a cynical half hearted gesture that rings very hollow. You have brought disgrace on the CSM, CCP and the Eve community in general. While I suppose it is "better than nothing" it does not undo the damage you have caused us all. Stepping down entirely is the only way to remove the stain of your poor judgement.
I ask you to look beyond your power mad aspirations and do the right thing for us all: Step down from the CSM so that we can begin the healing process and get some closure. Mainstream gaming media will adore you for it and the players will rejoice. Merely abdicating the Chair is a token gesture that will be viewed with cynicism not from just your detractors, but by everyone who is familiar with who your really are. I am outraged that you think this does anything to address the severity of what you have done to us all.
Instead of this token gesture, if in fact this what you think will atone for what you have done-do something meaningful and quit the the Council completely so that the CSM may once again enjoy the respect of the player base. I urge you to take into account the bigger picture and for once-do the right thing. Your full resignation is the one and only this that will set this right.
Soon in this thread you will see many goonies posting like mad, suggesting there was an NDA breach in CSM6, which of course CCP denied, dont let them turn this into something about ME this is about how Mittani's apology was not sincere, about how he cares nothing for the overall health of Eve, and just shows how empty his apology is.
In B4 1,000 goon alts post support and make laughable accusations about something NDA something that was shown to be untrue and denied by Dev post.
PS This is but a minor defeat for Mittani, but the goonies are going to howl all night. Like music to my ears.
I like to judge a man by his actions. Let's take a look at Mittani.
He's popular and famous (infamous) and has worked hard to make the CSM carry more weight than it used to. The CSM's that he has been on have lead to positive progress for the game.
He made a public statement that was very much out of line and then apologized for it publicly and privately. After that, despite getting a >50% mandate in a jungle primary decided to step down as the chair in order to help the CSM and CCP save face. Weighing his actions not his words, we can deduce that he made a mistake and has made amends.
Now, let's take a look at Darius III.
Elected to CSM6, leaked material protected by NDA to a news source run by someone of questionable mental condition. Implemented a spam campaign in game to garner votes, also implicated in a pay for vote scandal. Annihilated in the next election, failed to retain spot. Now sits on forums with pre-written statements to antagonize his political opponents.
If we judge by actions you're basically a complete failure in more or less every sense of life that can be reflected in this video game. What have you done besides make bad posts and be a bitter forum troll? What will you do now that your free ride is over?